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Winter Can Spring Out Of Here

Praise the Lord, the day is finally here. Winter is over, Spring has begun!

I was thinking about these two seasons and how the physical reality of them mirrors the spiritual reality. How the two seem to go hand in hand so frequently.

Winter is a time for dying. That sounds morbid and maybe even dramatic, but it really is. Leaves have turned colors and it’s time to fall and die. Vegetation of all kinds loses its vitality and diminishes for the season. But it is not permanent.

Because with Spring comes new life! Entirely new plants spring (get it?) up, leaves bud and grow on the trees again, and what was dead is brought back, even more glorious than the year before. Spring is hopeful.

But Winter, while not as enjoyable or hope-filled (my preference and opinion) as Spring, is still necessary. To experience new levels of growth, there are some things that have to die. Otherwise things become overgrown and what is not necessary anymore chokes out the life that exists.

This past Winter felt like a spiritual Winter for me. Not in a bad way, there were just things that needed to die. Beliefs I held about myself, some of the ways I filled my time, and the way I thought about certain things were some of the things that Winter needed to kill.

But death happens to make way for new life and that’s what I believe is happening in my life. Just as Spring is beginning in the Northern Hemisphere, it has begun in my  life.

I think the physical and spiritual are far more connected than we believe them to be. What happens in one, mirrors in the other. If you want to see spiritual change, make a physical change.

I’m entering Spring. What season are you being led into?